This advanced, four-month hybrid training course is for my existing mentees looking to add this dynamic and effective breathwork modality to their toolkit. It all started with my spiritual pilgrimage to Egypt almost 2 years ago where I got downloaded with what felt like a massive, energetic zip drive of akashic information which has very slowly unlocked bit by bit.
The result of that unlocking was the creation of my signature Path of the Oracle mentorship pathway that will include 3 programs: Intro to Oracle Arts, Oracle Breathwork & finally, Oracle Ceremonialist which will all lead to my Egypt retreat in November 2025.
I was guided to take my time and to move slowly with releasing this specific program because the breath is beyond powerful and at the very crux of our Beingness.​ I'm an avid fan of breathwork because it helps me fully step into my body while also clearing energetic blocks + helping me access higher states of consciousness. ​​ In this course, we will go beyond the basic, mainstream teachings and become knowledgeable about our advanced multidimensional energy anatomy and work specifically with the PLASMA LIGHT BODY.
​​This advanced training course is unlike any other breathwork course available on the market. I was previously certified in breathwork, but what I'll be teaching is not the typical 3-part breathing sequence a majority of courses focus on, nor is it Pranayama yogic breathing. While I love those breathing sequences, this is completely unique and is an excellent addition to an existing breathwork practice.
I will lay the scientific foundation of breathwork as a complementary alternative medicine and familiarize you with existing breathing sequences to be aware of so you're equipped with those as well. Then, I will introduce the core of Oracle Breathwork which will give you a more holistic understanding of the breath as we were always meant to work with it.
We are living in an exciting time where these teachings are lining up with new discoveries in the emerging and promising field of Quantum Biology. Finally! Science is catching up to what mystics, adepts + sages across time were intimately aware of.​
As with all my programs, you'll receive a solid blend of grounded, scientific research, but I also do not shy away from the mystical. Everything I do leans more spiritual because we are CONSCIOUSNESS, so I'll also be sharing incredible sacred Rose Lineage teachings regarding the sheer power of the breath.
I had an extremely visceral reaction when visiting Abu Serga, the site of where the Holy Family stayed for several months in Old Cairo, Egypt. I also received activation after activation visiting the temples along the Nile as I retraced the footsteps of the Essene-Magdalenes, ultimately going into private ceremony at the Sphinx and in both the Queen + King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid.
Needless to say, a lot transpired energetically and my understanding of working with the breath has evolved tremendously over the past several years. Building on our scientific foundation of breathwork and key principles of Quantum Biology, I will then weave in sacred Rose lineage teachings in regards to utilizing the breath for health + longevity, manifestation & cellular regeneration.
Science + spirituality weave together seamlessly with this beautiful practice. I'm also aware I'm simply a steward of these teachings. My intention is to responsibly share this integrated approach to breathwork with those who resonate and are a vibrational match to the energetic signature of these teachings.
Take this course to learn about your advanced , multidimensional energy anatomy and cultivate this healing technology for your own personal evolution journey, as well as to create transformational change with your clients.​​
We'll be connecting via Zoom on Saturdays for 2.5hrs from 10:00am - 12:30pm Pacific. Participants are encouraged to attend all live classes, but in the event you're not able to attend replays will also be provided.
Must have completed any of the following: Oracle Sound Alchemy, Intro to Oracle Arts, Oracle Reiki Master or be attuned to Oracle Reiki Level 2
Those courses cover a ton of foundational teachings so we can hit the ground running + dive deeper into these more advanced teachings
I've been incubating this modality for quite some time and finally began sharing it with clients in private treatments, as well as in a few group settings—ranging from 6 to 80 people—and the response has been phenomenal! After a large group breathwork journey, people were coming up to me sobbing, embracing me in hugs and completely speechless in regards to how powerful it was for them.​ ​